Leave a CommentOriginally conceived as ‘Gaming Rules In Devon Convention’, Gridcon is organized by the wonderful Paul and Vicky of Gaming Rules. After organized gaming events outgrew Castle Grogan, things moved to a convention hotel, and Gridcon’s current home is the Holiday Inn at Taunton.
There’s lots of space to game, a well-stocked library to borrow from, there are opportunities to hob-nob with various games designers and industry professionals, and inspiring charity raffles have raised thousands for great causes. Gameslore have been retailer in residence at past events and take orders for collection at the Con.
This will be a sell-out event and tickets first go on sale to Gaming Rules Patreon supporters. Residential and day ticket types are available. Book early.

Location: Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Ave, Taunton. TA1 2UA. (M5 JCT.25)
Dates: Gridcon 4, November 17th – 19th 2023
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/264434241137085
Website: https://gridcon.co.uk/